

The International Piano Academy

Our Students

“Students” is not quite the meaning of those young artists admitted to the Academy.

“Pensionnaire” would be closer to reality. Many of the pianists on this list often come back to the academy after their official stay.

They come for lessons, advice and oftentimes comfort.


Thomas and Evon Cooper

Steve Karbank

Chris Axworthy

Andrea Scandurra

Monique Lawton

Angelo Fabbrini

Regine De Clercq

Luca Gaffuri

Orpheus Foundation

Alexis Gregory

Michael Johnson

Vendome Press

Giovanni Muolo, Mayor of Dongo

Mauro Robba, President of the Comunità Montana Valli del Lario e del Ceresio

Proloco of Dongo

Pietro Ortelli, Mayor of Griante

Proloco Griante

Concetta Ferraro

Luigi Vanini

Grand Hotel Cadenabbia

Gianluca Soldarini

Silvano Canazza, piano tuner

Stefano Colangelo, piano tuner

Emilio Domenico e Luca Luigi Viganò – piano transporters and movers

Angelita Mannoni, Studio Grafico 22014 – Dongo

Yulianna Avdeeva

Maria Anikina

Sergey Belyavskiy

Ivo Boytchev

Michelangelo Carbonara

Sonia Chan

Nahuel Clerici

Alessandro Deljavan

François Dumont

Shani Diluka

Severin von Eckardstein

Gabor Farkas

Davide Franceschetti

Martina Filjak

Kotaro Fukuma

Vittorio Forte

Kirill Gerstein

Jonathan Gilad

Michèle Gurdal

Stephen Ham

Chi Ho Han

Martin Helmchen

Emil Gryesten Jensen

Ran Jia

David Kadouch

Kyu Yeon Kim

Benjamin Kim

Dinara Klinton

Anna Geniushene

Victoria Kogan

Denis Kozhukhin

Tuomas Kyyhkynen

Ingmar Lazar

Yuntian Liu

Claire-Marie Le Guay

Marcos Madrigal

Danilo Mascetti

Dmitry Masleev

Andrea Molteni

Sergio Monteiro

Raffaele Moretti

Arseny Tarasevich-Nikolaev

Cédric Pescia

Roberto Plano

Enrico Pompili

Leonardo Pierdomenico

Sergei Redkin

Tomoki Sakata

Eugeny Sudbin

Mei-Ting Sun

Alessandro Taverna

Margherita Torretta

Alexei Volodin

Ya-Ou Xie

Daniel Wnukowski

William Hong Chun Youn

Shiran Wang

Jie Yuan

Andrey Gugnin

Shunta Morimoto

Georgijs Osokins

Tomoki Park

Victoria Vassilenko

Anastasia Vorotnaya










(Monte Carlo – Monaco)











(South Korea)





(South Korea)






























(South Korea)











The International Piano Academy exits only on donations from private individuals and cultural organizations.
We have no government support and are a strictly non-profit organization. Due to this status, certain of our sponsors in certain countries can make their gifts tax deductible. We need your help to keep our Academy at the top of the firmament of the best piano schools in the world.

We thank you!


BACHELOR’S DEGREE (or equivalent studies):

If you have more degree upload the document

MASTER’S DEGREE (or equivalent studies):

If you have more degree upload the document

ADD LINK TO YOUR (site, video, portoflio...)

BACHELOR’S DEGREE (or equivalent studies):

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MASTER’S DEGREE (or equivalent studies):

If you have more degree upload the document

ADD LINK TO YOUR (site, video, portoflio...)




Accademia Internationazionale
del Pianoforte Lago di Como

Deutche Bank
Menaggio (Como), Italy

IBAN: IT06 NO31 0451 5200 0000 0000 120

Account number: 120

The International Piano Foundation

(identification number: 1-0745232)

Please make checks payable to:

The International Piano Foundation

4221 NE Glisan Street
Portland, Oregon 97213

(Gifts to this organization are tax deductible in the USA and certain countries)


BACHELOR’S DEGREE (or equivalent studies):

If you have more degree upload the document

MASTER’S DEGREE (or equivalent studies):

If you have more degree upload the document

ADD LINK TO YOUR (site, video, portoflio...)

BACHELOR’S DEGREE (or equivalent studies):

If you have more degree upload the document

MASTER’S DEGREE (or equivalent studies):

If you have more degree upload the document

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Thomas and Evon Cooper

Steve Karbank

Chris Axworthy

Andrea Scandurra

Monique Lawton

Angelo Fabbrini

Regine De Clercq

Luca Gaffuri

Orpheus Foundation

Alexis Gregory

Michael Johnson

Vendome Press

Giovanni Muolo, Mayor of Dongo

Mauro Robba, President of the Comunità Montana Valli del Lario e del Ceresio

Proloco of Dongo

Pietro Ortelli, Mayor of Griante

Proloco Griante

Concetta Ferraro

Luigi Vanini

Grand Hotel Cadenabbia

Gianluca Soldarini

Silvano Canazza, piano tuner

Stefano Colangelo, piano tuner

Emilio Domenico e Luca Luigi Viganò – piano transporters and movers

Angelita Mannoni, Studio Grafico 22014 – Dongo


Thomas and Evon Cooper

Steve Karbank

Chris Axworthy

Andrea Scandurra

Monique Lawton

Angelo Fabbrini

Regine De Clercq

Luca Gaffuri

Orpheus Foundation

Alexis Gregory

Michael Johnson

Vendome Press

Giovanni Muolo, Mayor of Dongo

Mauro Robba, President of the Comunità Montana Valli del Lario e del Ceresio

Proloco of Dongo

Pietro Ortelli, Mayor of Griante

Proloco Griante

Concetta Ferraro

Luigi Vanini

Grand Hotel Cadenabbia

Gianluca Soldarini

Silvano Canazza, piano tuner

Stefano Colangelo, piano tuner

Emilio Domenico e Luca Luigi Viganò – piano transporters and movers

Angelita Mannoni, Studio Grafico 22014 – Dongo



Thomas and Evon Cooper

Steve Karbank

Chris Axworthy

Andrea Scandurra

Monique Lawton

Angelo Fabbrini

Regine De Clercq

Luca Gaffuri

Orpheus Foundation

Alexis Gregory

Michael Johnson

Vendome Press

Giovanni Muolo, Mayor of Dongo

Mauro Robba, President of the Comunità Montana Valli del Lario e del Ceresio

Proloco of Dongo

Pietro Ortelli, Mayor of Griante

Proloco Griante

Concetta Ferraro

Luigi Vanini

Grand Hotel Cadenabbia

Gianluca Soldarini

Silvano Canazza, piano tuner

Stefano Colangelo, piano tuner

Emilio Domenico e Luca Luigi Viganò – piano transporters and movers

Angelita Mannoni, Studio Grafico 22014 – Dongo


Thomas and Evon Cooper

Steve Karbank

Chris Axworthy

Andrea Scandurra

Monique Lawton

Angelo Fabbrini

Regine De Clercq

Luca Gaffuri

Orpheus Foundation

Alexis Gregory

Michael Johnson

Vendome Press

Giovanni Muolo, Mayor of Dongo

Mauro Robba, President of the Comunità Montana Valli del Lario e del Ceresio

Proloco of Dongo

Pietro Ortelli, Mayor of Griante

Proloco Griante

Concetta Ferraro

Luigi Vanini

Grand Hotel Cadenabbia

Gianluca Soldarini

Silvano Canazza, piano tuner

Stefano Colangelo, piano tuner

Emilio Domenico e Luca Luigi Viganò – piano transporters and movers

Angelita Mannoni, Studio Grafico 22014 – Dongo


Our Students

“Students” is not quite the meaning of those young artists admitted to the Academy.

“Pensionnaire” would be closer to reality. Many of the pianists on this list often come back to the academy after their official stay.

They come for lessons, advice and oftentimes comfort.

BACHELOR’S DEGREE (or equivalent studies):

If you have more degree upload the document

MASTER’S DEGREE (or equivalent studies):

If you have more degree upload the document

ADD LINK TO YOUR (site, video, portoflio...)


Thomas and Evon Cooper

Steve Karbank

Chris Axworthy

Andrea Scandurra

Monique Lawton

Angelo Fabbrini

Regine De Clercq

Luca Gaffuri

Orpheus Foundation

Alexis Gregory

Michael Johnson

Vendome Press

Giovanni Muolo, Mayor of Dongo

Mauro Robba, President of the Comunità Montana Valli del Lario e del Ceresio

Proloco of Dongo

Pietro Ortelli, Mayor of Griante

Proloco Griante

Concetta Ferraro

Luigi Vanini

Grand Hotel Cadenabbia

Gianluca Soldarini

Silvano Canazza, piano tuner

Stefano Colangelo, piano tuner

Emilio Domenico e Luca Luigi Viganò – piano transporters and movers

Angelita Mannoni, Studio Grafico 22014 – Dongo

Yulianna Avdeeva

Maria Anikina

Sergey Belyavskiy

Ivo Boytchev

Michelangelo Carbonara

Sonia Chan

Nahuel Clerici

Alessandro Deljavan

François Dumont

Shani Diluka

Severin von Eckardstein

Gabor Farkas

Davide Franceschetti

Martina Filjak

Kotaro Fukuma

Vittorio Forte

Kirill Gerstein

Jonathan Gilad

Michèle Gurdal

Stephen Ham

Chi Ho Han

Martin Helmchen

Emil Gryesten Jensen

Ran Jia

David Kadouch

Kyu Yeon Kim

Benjamin Kim

Dinara Klinton

Anna Geniushene

Victoria Kogan

Denis Kozhukhin

Tuomas Kyyhkynen

Ingmar Lazar

Yuntian Liu

Claire-Marie Le Guay

Marcos Madrigal

Danilo Mascetti

Dmitry Masleev

Andrea Molteni

Sergio Monteiro

Raffaele Moretti

Arseny Tarasevich-Nikolaev

Cédric Pescia

Roberto Plano

Enrico Pompili

Leonardo Pierdomenico

Sergei Redkin

Tomoki Sakata

Eugeny Sudbin

Mei-Ting Sun

Alessandro Taverna

Margherita Torretta

Alexei Volodin

Ya-Ou Xie

Daniel Wnukowski

William Hong Chun Youn

Shiran Wang

Jie Yuan

Andrey Gugnin

Shunta Morimoto

Georgijs Osokins

Tomoki Park

Victoria Vassilenko

Anastasia Vorotnaya










(Monte Carlo – Monaco)











(South Korea)





(South Korea)






























(South Korea)









Thomas and Evon Cooper 

Steve Karbank 

Chris Axworthy 

Andrea Scandurra 

Monique Lawton 

Angelo Fabbrini 

Regine De Clercq 

Luca Gaffuri 

Orpheus Foundation 

Alexis Gregory 

Michael Johnson 

Vendome Press 

Giovanni Muolo, Mayor of Dongo 

Mauro Robba, President of the Comunità Montana Valli del Lario e del Ceresio 

Proloco of Dongo 

Pietro Ortelli, Mayor of Griante 

Proloco Griante 

Concetta Ferraro 

Luigi Vanini 

Grand Hotel Cadenabbia 

Gianluca Soldarini 

Silvano Canazza, piano tuner 

Stefano Colangelo, piano tuner 

Emilio Domenico e Luca Luigi Viganò – piano transporters and movers 

Angelita Mannoni, Studio Grafico 22014 – Dongo 

Yulianna Avdeeva (Russia)

Maria Anikina (Russia)

Sergey Belyavskiy (Russia)

Ivo Boytchev (Bulgaria)

Michelangelo Carbonara (Italy)

Sonia Chan (Canada)

Nahuel Clerici (Argentina)

Alessandro Deljavan (Italy)

François Dumont (France)

Shani Diluka (Monte Carlo – Monaco)

Severin von Eckardstein (Germany)

Gabor Farkas (Hungary)

Davide Franceschetti (Italy)

Martina Filjak (Croatia)

Kotaro Fukuma (Japan)

Vittorio Forte (Italy/France)

Kirill Gerstein (Russia)

Jonathan Gilad (France)

Michèle Gurdal (Belgium)

Stephen Ham (Canada)

Chi Ho Han (South Korea)

Martin Helmchen (Germany)

Emil Gryesten Jensen (Denmark)

Ran Jia (China)

David Kadouch (France)

Kyu Yeon Kim (South Korea)

Benjamin Kim (USA)

Dinara Klinton (Ukraine)

Anna Geniushene (Russia)

Victoria Kogan (Russia)

Denis Kozhukhin (Russia)

Tuomas Kyyhkynen (Finland)

Ingmar Lazar (France)

Yuntian Liu (China)

Claire-Marie Le Guay  (France)

Marcos Madrigal (Cuba)

Danilo Mascetti (Italy)

Dmitry Masleev (Russia)

Andrea Molteni (Italy)

Sergio Monteiro (Brazil)

Raffaele Moretti (Italy)

Arseny Tarasevich-Nikolaev (Russia)

Cédric Pescia (Switzerland)

Roberto Plano (Italy)

Enrico Pompili (Italy)

Leonardo Pierdomenico (Italy)

Sergei Redkin (Russia)

Tomoki Sakata (Japan)

Eugeny Sudbin (Russia)

Mei-Ting Sun (China/USA)

Alessandro Taverna (Italy)

Margherita Torretta (Italy)

Alexei Volodin (Russia)

Ya-Ou Xie (China)

Daniel Wnukowski (Canada/Poland)

William Hong Chun Youn (South Korea)

Shiran Wang (China)

Jie Yuan (China)

Andrey Gugnin (Russia)

Shunta Morimoto (Japan/Italy)

Georgijs Osokins (Latvia)

Tomoki Park (Korea/Japan)

Victoria Vassilenko (Bulgaria)

Anastasia Vorotnaya (Russia)










(Monte Carlo – Monaco)











(South Korea)





(South Korea)






























(South Korea)










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Supporting our Piano Academy can be a great way to promote music education and to help aspiring musicians develop their skills.



From 26 to 28 Juanary 2024

François Dumont

From 16 February to 18 February 2024

Dag Achatz

From 8 to 10 March 2024

Gábor Farkas

From 19 to 21 April 2024

William Grant Naboré

From 16 to 18 May 2024

Alessandro Deljavan

From 9 to 11 June 2024

Stanislav Ioudenitch





Palazzo del Vescovo – Via Statale, 14
22014 Dongo (Co) – Italy
Tel./Fax +39.0344.81046
Write to us! Click here!

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